The life of Jesus was rooted in mercy and compassion. The miracles He worked were the result of his compassionate heart.
“The mercy of God is not an abstract idea, but a concrete reality through which He reveals His love as that of a father or a mother, moved to the very depths out of love for their child” Pope Francis
1. Community Immersion Programmes:
Community reflecting the compassionate face of Jesus
a) Visits to different centres like…Old age homes, mentally retarded, mental hospitals, Govt. hospitals, home for the destitute etc.
Sisters (Providence) called beggars and treated them well. They had prayer, interaction with them and gifts were given.
Railway colony workers were called to the comty (Shornur) and treated well.
We have tie up with Pain and Palliative centres and our sisters do service to them.
We have started a unit called Swanthana (Kannur). Financial help as well as spiritual help is rendered to those who are terminally ill.
b). Family Apostolate :
a) Every Sunday, the evening is set apart for house visit.
Sisters go for visits to the neighboring houses, or student’s house, or staff etc. We have a target to visit the children’s home and maintain family profile of the students.
Family counseling is provided to those houses that have broken relationships, we listen to their woes, pray with them.
Our Diocese has started a new programme named Home Mission. Good number of our sisters is part of it. They undergo training and 2 to 3 days are set apart to visit houses of the parishes and pray with them and solve problem if any.
We also have regular BCC prayer meetings in the evening and sisters actively participate in it.
Good number of sisters is animators of pious association like KCYM, CLC, Mothers Association, Holy Childhood etc.
c). Housing Schemes: During the year 2016, Southern province was able to construct nearly 30 houses and renovate a good number of houses. Each community renders help to renovate 3 to 4 houses every year. And our Fathimagiri Social Centre is doing marvelous works regarding this scheme.
II. Service Learning in Our Institutions:
In today’s world parents are more conscious about all round development of the students, so we can easily give orientation classes to the students. And we do not lose any such chances. 8th std students of all our institutions are given 3 days camp named SPEC- Southern Province Empowers and Cares. Throughout the year students take up activities of social concern. They do this in the years to come also.
a) Snehapoorvam Sahapadike: Each class or school finds out a deserving student and financial help is rendered.
b) Generating Fund: The students have mite box collection throughout the year in all our institutions. The money thus collected are pooled for various social activities.
Orupidi ari programme ie collection of Rice
Miss a meal and collect money
Sacrifice their birthday celebrations and collect all these money and give to the needy people like kidney patient, pain and palliative center, old age homes etc. They visit those centers and interact with them.
c) Adoption of Close by Government Schools and Tribal Schools: Each school adopt nearby government school
Give regular coaching
Distribute study material and furniture’s
Invite them to our schools and have combined programmes.
III. Awareness Campagin for Environmental Consevation:
a)We have good many programmes to preserve the environment
World Environment day (June 5th) is celebrated with varied programmes in all our institutions. Such as awareness classes, placard and postal competitions, rallies, planting trees and distribution of saplings etc.
Wild life week is celebrated during the is 1st week of October.
Energy Conservation Week is observed. Each school does the survey of their own energy conceptions and of their neighborhood.
Nature Club: Maintain medicinal garden, vegetable garden, trees, and flower garden. Our campuses are plastic free campus. Plastics are collected even from homes and give it for recycling.
Nature camp is arranged for the students. They visit national parks and spend 3 days experiencing the nature.
Conservation measures taken to protect rivers: We have built check dams across the river, cleaned the river which was polluted, planted mangroves along the banks of the river and had costal cleaning.
Protecting Water Resources: We celebrate water day, Due to lack of rain and water we took up the project of rejuvenating the existing wells. We cleaned public wells and solved the drinking water problem in the colony.
We also have tie up with Mathrubhoomi daily programme named SEED and Malayala Manoramma Daily programme named Nallapadam for children. We do lots of programme with them and many of our intuitions were awarded with A grade and district level best school awards for it. These programmes include Literacy, social and environmental activities.
b) Organic farming and Pesticide free vegetables:
Our schools distribute seed in tie up with agricultural departments. Students with the help of their parents maintain kitchen garden in their houses.\Our community take trouble to cultivate vegetables, plantain trees etc.
Most of the community raised an orchard in honour of the 150 the year of our foundation.
Some of the communities have bio-gas plant and solar panels.
Fathimagiri social center has distributed 600 solar lanterns and 110 portable biogas unit to the village.
IV. Organized Social Centers:
We have 4 centers fully engaged in works of Mercy. Fatimagiri Social Service Centre, Mother Veronica Special School, Udayam rehabitation center and Santhimanthram old age home. We also support financially backward children through our 4 orphanages.
We also have jail ministry and youth ministry. Cananore community have regular visit to the jail. They have mass every Sunday in the Jail. They pray with them, interact with them and also provide counseling to the needy.
Youth Ministry. In many parishes sisters are incharge of the youth and they do help them in their formation. We have active Jesus Youth, KCYM etc.
Inauguration of the Project at Fatimagiri Social Service Centre on November 18, 2017.

Inauguration of Project at Fatimagiri Social Service Centre on November 18th 2017.
V. Women Empowerment Programmes:
We have good number of programmes done for the upliftment of women in our locality.
Nilamboor had vision training programme for women, Tribal reach out programmes, income generating activities, different motivational seminars conducted, loans were provided, projects from different national and international agencies and government agencies were received and distributed.
Providence College has charka center and vocational training programme for women of the locality.
Thambram have started community college with fashion designing, stitching etc.
Some more communities support and encourage women of their locality to have income generating programmes.
Our Sr. Marini has been doing wonderful work and she has received many awards too. She received KCBC award, panchayath award, Deepika award etc.
Our dreams…………
Well equipped personnel’s ie qualifications in MSW, Counselling and Medical Field.
Production Centers for differently abled students after they complete studies
Day Care centres for old